Ears to Hear

Most Christians don't hear God's voice because we've already decided we aren't going to do what He says. — A. W. Tozer

Taste and See (Psalm 34:8)

Tozer's ageless, blunt assessment reminds us of the times that Jesus told those having "ears to hear" to put what He said into practice. A typical human failing remains hearing but not processing to obey from faults of will, dissonance, or preconceived ideas. As an aging couple who recognizes that the battle against our selfish selves continues, we reinforce habits that started years ago. The initiator asks the spouse to repeat critical details of conversations to ensure the message was received with understanding! Just because people physically have "ears to hear" does not mean their ears are used effectively physically or spiritually. That certainly is obvious to the parent, pastor, or teacher who remembers wrongly assuming that their listeners have heard, understood, and will change their behavior(s) accordingly!πŸ˜„

Our understanding of these concepts matured more when our miracle-girl, hearing-impaired granddaughter was adopted. Sound waves with information bounce all around her ears. Auditory messaging is futile if she cannot sign, read lips, or use newfangled cochlear implants. During night visits at our house, we still remind ourselves that noises will not bother her! Similarly, God still speaks into our world--through Creation, His Bible, and His Spirit convicting sinners and guiding believers. If we do not hear from Him, the problem is on our end. The sin(s) of others or ourselves limits our communication channel(s), like wax in an ear. If we do not slow ourselves to hear, receive, and obey what He says, we do not progressively become more useful to Him and others.

Come and See (Psalm 34:8)

Image from 2023 UFHB
We issue a big "Thank you, friends!" to those who prayed for Chelsea's ear surgery this week. The defective cochlear implant was removed, though with difficulty. Her body needs an extended time to heal. Otherwise, we continue making progress in submitting financial reports to the CHSC. Important details related to the university's Community Health Engagement (CHE) training mount and press from a "ToDo" list yet incomplete, previously expected to be done before Verlin returns to Cote d'Ivoire later this month. (See video from last year’s university training here.) Debbie expects to remain in Tennessee for an again extended timeframe to assist her parents.

Prayer & Praise

  • πŸ™ Give thanks that our granddaughter made it safely through surgery that removed a defective cochlear implant. Pray she will heal during the upcoming months in such a way that no additional surgical interventions will be needed. That will be another miracle!
  • πŸ™ Debbie thanks the Lord that the pes bursa inflammation in her knee area seems to be slowly healing. She can walk most of the day without pain. Stairs and specific exercises remain a challenge.
  • πŸ™ Pray we connect with available workers for the September CHE training at the university. Also, pray that the planning team gets the letters of invitation to the trainers quickly. Several trainers need to ask their employers far in advance for the week off.
Your partners in the Gospel,
Verlin & Debbie
Verlin and Debbie

Christian Health Service Corps (CHSC) is a mission of dedicated medical professionals who participate in the CHE Global Network. Together, in a loose affiliation of individuals, churches, denominational, and nondenominational agencies, we share God's Light and Truth through Community Health Evangelism (CHE). Verlin and Debbie accept donor partners to contribute as led to provide support as we maintain residential ministry to expand CHE ministries in Cote d'Ivoire under the auspices of CHSC & Ivorian partners. Tax-deductible contributions by check are to be made payable to the CHSC with Andersons #0118 written on the memo line. Mail to CHSC - PO Box 132 - Fruitvale, TX 75127. Give online via the CHSC @ www.che4a.org (3% fee) or TDF - specifying Verlin and Debbie Anderson in the optional Memo.
Prior: Not About Us
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Prior Videos: Simple Servants
        - Reflect & Rejoice

2022 Budget COMPLETED:

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AWA represents
Andersons Witness in Africa.
It is also a brand of bottled water in Cote d'Ivoire where we serve.

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