Ministry Update from 06/13/2009

Hello, dear friends.

Services, 2 state meetings, speaking in WV, OH, FL, MI, OK, and TN, other in-the-trench missionary work, 5 days of vacation, and packing—our last 6 weeks in a nutshell. Our plane tickets have been purchased—our visas granted. Lord willing, Verlin returns to Cote d’Ivoire on June 29. Debbie and Corbin follow July 13. Before leaving, we will participate at the MI Youth Camp, June 22 – 26. Pray for Bro. Steve Connor, the camp director and owner of U.S. Made Leaders (, the evangelist Rev. Frank Owen, and our participation with the all-volunteer staff.

Thanks again to the wonderful people (our families included) who hosted Verlin or us in their homes this past year. The fellowship was a blessing and the cost savings significant, at least $400 better per month when compared to our last stateside assignment. With those savings, and the consistent financial sacrifices and special offerings made on behalf of this ministry, we return encouraged in the Lord. We anticipate seeing HIM do great things. While our general account has not reached the $15,000 mark, the balance was well over half that amount on our last report.

We continue our field responsibilities from afar, but look forward to successfully transferring many of these duties to Ivorians this term. In May, a video greeting and testament of Robert and Pam West was made to help Ivorians and the village of Kafalo settle a property dispute in non-government controlled territory. To help the Abidjan church-planting efforts in that very expensive city, we continued the dialogue to develop a transparent revolving loan fund. We've assisted the Education Committee, the Bible Institute director, and the Theological Education by Extension director with accounting. A no-fee means to transfer money to the field was established and used last month, which will save us $70 to $150 monthly. After numerous calls, we also were able to re-establish water service at one property.

Prayer Points:
· Pray for Salomon, a Bible Institute student recently run over by a motorcycle while waiting for public transport. He was traveling to obtain a marriage certificate, but has been unconscious and shown signs of internal bleeding at points. A brain scan 450 miles away is needed to know the extent of the injury.
· Pray for M, the Muslim convert we have mentioned often. Her family has eased up on persecution, allowing her to have a private Bible study and prayer time with a Christian. She still does not attend church apart from that small group.
· Pray for Kolo, a government official formerly involved in CHE lesson translation. He was transferred to a city in western Cote d'Ivoire and will need follow-up with discipleship.
· Pray for safe travels and wisdom. There's much pressure on our time as we pack, relocate, unpack, and make numerous repairs, while also endeavoring to meet former and newly established mission objectives. Ask for grace as we leave 2 children in college this time.

Grateful to serve the King in communion with you,
Verlin, Debbie, and Corbin Anderson

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