Ministry Update from 03/28/2010

“Jesus, I am resting, resting, in the joy of what Thou art;
I am finding out the greatness of Thy loving heart..”

Our home church choir sang that beautiful hymn before we returned to Cote d’Ivoire last summer—old words, new tune, unchanging message. Is there a quality any more lacking in our world today than rest?

In February, the Ivorian president dissolved his government, reportedly due to corruption. This caused widespread demonstrations, including here in Bondoukou. While we were safe at home, thousands marched for two days with machetes--burning, damaging, looting. The police eventually controlled the mob by firing tear gas (without wearing gas masks, ironically), and we briefly felt the burn. All is calm now, and the new interim-prior-to-election government is in place.

We have also endured a nation-wide shortage of electricity, which affected our local water supply. The heat was grueling, and the scarcity of water greatly hindered the speed of daily life. Last week, UN forces tried to distribute water in our neighborhood. So many people gathered and fought for places in line that the UN gave up and went home. As of today, our electricity has been on for one entire week. Do we dare hope it is over?!

“..Thou hast bid me gaze upon Thee, and Thy beauty fills my soul,
For by Thy transforming power, Thou hast made me whole..”

Verlin and 5 Ivorian FWB brothers attended the LifeWind West Africa Transformational Development Conference near Accra, Ghana, February 16-20.Debbie, Alice, and Corbin chose not to go as originally planned, because of budget constraints. Verlin shared a devotion and taught a seminar, both well received. Then he and our men enjoyed others who shared how the Lord is using Community Health Evangelism to plant churches, reach Muslims, treat AIDS, minister to handicapped, and create micro-enterprises in various ways in West Africa and around the world. The Ivorians returned home inspired, challenged, and eager to see how the Lord can use our churches to further advance and by His transforming power bring wholeness to communities. The President of our National Association has asked us to inform our leaders in a CHE Vision Seminar. The remote village of Taoudi awaits their first 40-hour training session, too. Debbie and Alice Smith (our CHE coworker) are preparing to begin training the Goumere FWB Church ladies in health and spiritual lessons.

“..Yes, I rest in Thee, Beloved, know what wealth of grace is Thine,
Know Thy certainty of promise, and have made it mine..”

Aline, the young wife of Pastor Phillipe Fakeye of Agnibilekro, experienced Jesus’ wealth of grace and certain promise face to face on February 3. She died of a sinus infection complication and malaria. Her funeral and burial (March 5 and 6) were a tremendous testimony to her mostly unsaved family in Bouna. They were amazed by the Christian love and support shown, and many heard the Gospel clearly preached for the first time. Pray for Phillipe and his young child.

After the funeral, Verlin and several FWB Ivorian leaders went to Kafolo (5 excruciating hours from Bouna) to handle a long-standing property dispute with the village chief. The Lord blessed, and in half a day an agreement was reached and official paperwork signed. This enabled Verlin to check off an item from a long list of duties to handle as the last male FWB missionary on the field.

“..Simply trusting Thee, Lord, Jesus, I behold Thee as Thou art,
And Thy love, so pure, so changeless, satisfies my heart..”

Verlin was able to meet and counsel Ange, the gendarme who received Christ after purchasing a Bible from us at the Ghana border a couple of years back. He seems genuinely converted, and Verlin hopes to keep in touch when we visit Abidjan. Pray for two people Debbie has befriended and is sharing with, Cecile and Francois. We have not seen M., the converted Muslim girl since our return. A mutual friend is trying to arrange it so that we can meet. Please pray with us that the love of Jesus will satisfy their hearts.

“..Ever lift Thy face upon me, as I work and wait for Thee;
Resting ’neath Thy smile, Lord Jesus, earth’s dark shadows flee.
Brightness of my Father’s glory, Sunshine of my Father’s face,
Keep me ever trusting, resting, fill me with Thy grace.”

All of us have seasons of life when earth’s dark shadows cloud the landscape, and that has been the case for us in the past few months. Nothing has been easy, even by African standards; usually simple tasks have been an exhausting battle. The fight is on. We firmly believe this is because the Lord wants to bring a church-planting movement in our context, using CHE as one tool. The financial crisis of International Missions also greatly impacts FWB ministries in Cote d’Ivoire and elsewhere, forcing difficult choices every month.

Despite the obstacles and uncertainties, it is incredibly rewarding to work persistently and wait patiently, resting and trusting our Lord Jesus. Your prayers and contributions matter enormously. We have nothing but thanksgiving for your faithfulness in every way over the years!

At rest in Him,
Verlin, Debbie, and Corbin Anderson

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