CHE Fruit

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Dear Friends and Ministry Partners, 
“Give me money,” the chief’s son said. About fifteen people had gathered around the chief in November as Verlin came to give greetings with the local pastor. Verlin responded that he had not come to simply give money that would disappear when used. He had come to explain God’s ways, including how He develops wealth, at the church. God’s gifts do not end. They do not ‘run out,’ except when disobedience negates them.
While not much could be quickly shared in a single greeting, what if Verlin shared information to prevent worms, decrease the incidence of malaria, cancer, and so save money? Would he like to hear? Would they all? Yes! The chief’s son ran to get the leaves, a pot and a machete. In less than twenty minutes, Verlin demonstrated God’s provision by means of the papaya plant, a source of blessing with many health benefits. Believers now have increased support from that chief to share a changed understanding of God’s ways to bring enduring change, rather than Scriptures being used to enforce dependent, poverty entrenching beliefs.
The established Free Will Baptist church started helping build latrines three months ago. Now two cell groups gather to hear God’s Word outside the church. A second pastor follows the pattern in the area, gaining access to share the gospel in neighboring villages by helping the communities meet their own needs with what they have already received of God. Both pastors received training at the Community Health Evangelism (CHE) seminar you helped provide in May. They use the book we make available during visits written by Dan Fountain, a now retired Christian missionary doctor, with practical ways to transform willing communities.
December 14, Verlin visited the fruition of a new church planted less than an hour’s drive from the FWB church in Tanda. He there witnessed the inauguration of a Christian NGO to fight AIDS, born by the cooperation of a local government nurse and the data entry worker we use. They both confess Christ and together they integrated many principles learned from CHE during planning. Both attended May’s training of trainers. After delaying 4 hours for the sous-préfet (government leader comparable to a county commissioner), a special meal of monkey meat was served. The crowd of 130+ decreased to about 100 persons. Various public leaders spoke. The delay for the sous-préfet was worth it as his fervor and passion infused confidence in the project.
Verlin shared God’s plan that one man join one woman for life, with no exception except death, and our need to live in the light of His Word. Muslim leaders received the message so well that some even attended the evangelistic film presentation that night. More than 250 souls attended the overnight meeting for which the Tanda FWB church provided the means. Pray with us that as this local nurse begins screening villagers for AIDS, many people will also hear and respond to the gospel. The sous-préfet is enthusiastic and ready to spread the ideas to other communities under his watch care. Since the physical conflict here in 2010, Cote d’Ivoire is now believed to have the highest AIDS population percentage in West Africa.
Pray also for the support of a pastor who one year ago responded to the call to begin a church in the center of the country. He began the work separately from being assigned the task, a ‘no-no’ here for many reasons. However, some are coming to see the merit of his effort. Pray for Ivorian church leadership to balance well the needs of providing for spontaneous and planned church planting. Both happen when Church Planting Movements are born.
The tax crisis on our rented house was resolved through much persistence and prayer. We anticipate being in our Bondoukou home by mid-January! You can read that story via the December AWA Flash Update link of the blog archive above in the right panel, or by PDF: Anderson AWA Flash Update 12_12_11.pdf
On return home, Corbin and Debbie hope to quickly start an English class using the Bible as the text with some of Corbin’s friends, as planned before we left. This is our youngest son’s last 6 months in Africa. Pray with us that Corbin’s time finishing here will be blessed with many good memories and a continued open heart to serve the Lord wherever and in whatever capacity He chooses.
In our world torn with sins like the heartbreaking slaughter of innocents, both in Africa and in the USA, what a solemn opportunity we have to share the Lord Jesus Christ whose similar experience resounds this Christmas season. Romans 15:13 summarizes our prayer for you and for us: “Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost.” May we together share in Spirit a truly Merry Christmas and Joy-filled New Year in the preparation for His second coming.
Gratefully partnering with you to share the day-to-day life-changing Good News in Cote d’Ivoire,
Verlin, Debbie, and Corbin Anderson

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