Latrine Evangelism

PDF Version: Anderson_WEEKLY_150307

Now and then, we want to tell you about the wonderful Ivorians that we have the privilege of working with in Community Health Evangelism/Education/Engagement (CHE).  One pastor who came to a 35-hour CHE training session in Bondoukou, a Training of Trainers 1 (TOT 1), was seeking a way for his small village church to penetrate unevangelized villages around them. For the previous few decades, his church had run between 15 and 30 people.

Ventilated privyAbout a year later he sat at our table eating supper, his young face glowing, and shared some results from putting into practice what he learned during the TOT 1. He and a few members of his church had been able to make inroads in two nearby villages. Their initial plan was helping them learn to build latrines. The villagers were touched by their acts of service. One village already had a small group of believers meeting, and the second was receiving his church’s input in ways he had not imagined. They were witnessing to the village chief, a witch doctor who had been sick for a long time. They were planning to go work in the his fields, since he was so ill, and continue to increasingly share the gospel while demonstrating new techniques to increase corn production. At the pastor's church, the congregation had grown to regularly have between 70 and 90 people. Verlin visited and over 100 came with some standing outside the doors and windows to hear the messages of hope. Praise the Lord, like so many other leaders elsewhere, this pastor gained concrete ways to renew growth and ministry through Community Health Evangelism .

After speaking in Nashville and Franklin, Tennessee this upcoming week, we will drive to Michigan for meetings. Thank you for praying with us for safe travels and Spirit-directed services. We look forward to getting back to share what's happened in that village, to either fan the flame or stir-up the embers.

Gratefully in mutual service,
Verlin and Debbie

The Christian Health Service Corps is a mission of dedicated medical professionals that participates in the CHE Global Network. Together in a loose affiliation of individuals, churches, denominational and nondenominational agencies, we share God's Light and Truth through Community Health Evangelism (CHE). Unless rescinded, the network includes FWBIM. See for timely and timeless missional topics to be addressed at the next interagency conference in the U.S. If you attend, you may find that God has ways that you can do similar good works contextualized for the U.S.

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