Friendly Checks

PDF version: Anderson WEEKLY 150815

Dear Friends and Ministry Partners,

The call from Africa came early last Sunday morning before we left for church. An friend had gone by the house where we lived for many years to visit us, only to find us gone. He was very surprised to discover who was living there, and worried that we had been chased out of town or killed. So he called our U.S. number, hoping to get some news. Verlin was able to reassure him and tell him where he could go to hear our story. Two primary emotions stayed with us. One, of course, was thankfulness for his friendship and concern. Our other emotion was sorrow because we realize his reaction was symptomatic of the continued unrest that touches the nation. It is a sad world when you can legitimately infer that some of your friends might have been killed over the rights to a small property.

Presidential elections are set in Cote d’Ivoire for later this year. Unease percolates below the surface as Ivorians recall the tragedies and violence of the last elections ( ; ). Please pray for a peaceful polling process that builds toward trust in the budding electoral system.

In contrast, there was wonderful, upbeat enthusiasm Wednesday and Thursday as Verlin spoke with Ivorians about the upcoming CHE training in September. In typical African fashion, trainers have to be shuffled last-minute, but Verlin learned of two more budding CHE works in the process. He may be able to assist in a second CHE training right after those at the university, if details can be worked out in less than a month. We also rejoiced to hear of progress for Romsy a dear friend who has needed work for years. The Lord is giving him opportunities to work for both income and in CHE endeavors.

Prayer & Praise:
  • Thank you for your prayers on the visa. Verlin verified that the request has been processed, and, if in the prepaid return express mail envelope, returned. On return from weekend services in East Tennessee, we’ll find if the visa was approved, or not, when picking it up Monday.
  • Pray for safe travel for Debbie also as Corbin is settled for his sophomore year at Union University this weekend. She will return with the ’96 Dodge Caravan. We retire the ’93 Ford Taurus after 373,823 miles.  Replacing a torque converter is more expense than it’s worth to us.
  • Pray for Debbie as she plans speaking engagements. Contact her at (615) 906-3524, if you want to hear from her in September, or in the first half of October. She will be in MI & TN.
Your partners in the Gospel,
Verlin and Debbie

The Christian Health Service Corps (CHSC) is a mission of dedicated medical professionals who participate in the CHE Global Network. Together, in a loose affiliation of individuals, churches, denominational and nondenominational agencies, we share God's Light and Truth through Community Health Evangelism (CHE).Verlin and Debbie need 24 partners at $100 per month of support, or their equivalents, to resume residential ministry of expanding CHE ministries in Cote d'Ivoire under the auspices of the CHSC and Ivorian partners. Tax deductible contributions by check are to be made payable to the CHSC with Anderson #0118 written in memo and mailed to CHSC – PO Box 132 – Fruitdale, TX 75127. Online contributions also accepted at these links: (3% fee) and TDF (0% fee)

Last written : Need 4 Speed - Anderson WEEKLY 150725
Equal Dignity video Anderson WEEKLY 150801
2015 1Q Report: Anderson_Report_15_06_06
2015 Budget :CHSC-0118_ANDERSON-Budget_2015
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AWA represents Andersons Witnessing in Africa

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