PDF Version : Anderson 3Q_Report_151212
Peace on Earth?
As we look around our violent world today, it seems that Longfellow, the great American poet who lived during the Civil War, had it right when he penned the poem “The Christmas Bells.”…Then in despair I bowed my head;
“There is no peace on earth,” I said;
For hate is strong,
And mocks the song
Of peace on earth, good-will to men.
Then pealed the bells more loud and deep:
“God is not dead, nor doth He sleep;
The Wrong shall fail,
The Right prevail,
With peace on earth, good-will to men.”
We sang this regularly in Ghana while displaced from Cote d’Ivoire because of civil strife in December 2011. (If online, click and listen to St. Peter’s Choir while reading). Thinking about Paris, San Bernadino, Syrian refugees, and the constant threat of terrorism, what is the most powerful weapon Christians have? Educating our children about tolerance, studying world religions, beefing up national security, preserving citizens’ rights, screening immigrants carefully, or confronting extremism worldwide—none of these acts will save us from future terrorist attacks, although they may be necessary precautions. The only hope for a jihadist is the love of Jesus. Only Christ can transform a stony heart filled with hate to a loving heart that respects all human life.
As Christians, we are the hands and feet of Jesus, showing His love to our enemies. Yes, to our enemies—not just those who think and look like we do. This does not absolve us from protecting our families and nation, but the command is clear. He showed us the “more excellent way.” There is no greater change agent in the world than a Christian who loves God with all his heart mind, soul, and strength, and loves his neighbor as himself. The Lord helps us all be that unquenchable force in our broken world.
We can be most useful by returning quickly to our service assignment in West Africa. Community Health Evangelism (CHE) powerfully introduces Christ in closed countries and Muslim contexts. To share the Gospel Jesus mentored and preached wholistically is the most effective way for us to participate in bringing peace on earth.
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According to the book Operation World, an outstanding prayer guide which lists the status of the gospel’s advance in all nations (CLICK these words for Cote d'Ivoire stats), Cote d’Ivoire has more Muslims today, 41.8%, than it did in 1900, only 5% then. There are more Christians now than in 1900, too, but we have not kept up with the growth rate of Islam. The town where we live is called the “city of a 1,000 mosques.” If we do not act in our generation, West Africa may become a Muslim stronghold like so many other areas. The love of Christ compels us.
Progress report for Verlin’s August 21-October 13 Ivorian trip
- University training in September was a vibrant success, praised by the institution’s leaders. Another university in the second largest city now seeks CHE instruction as well.
- Each of the 53 days he was there, Verlin spoke with one or more people wanting CHE, or who were already involved in CHE outreach and needed troubleshooting advice, encouragement, or contacts to further their efforts.
- One FWB team made great strides in the past year. Two more sister churches wait for training.
- The president of the Federation of Evangelical Churches believes CHE can be a national strategy of evangelism. He now wants training for his own denomination and starts with his local church in Abidjan beginning in January.
- Another Baptist denomination asked us to train them. A Bible Institute for pastors in the west desires our mentoring there.
- Healthcare Christian Fellowship International actively plans to open 200 small clinics using CHE in some of Cote d’Ivoire’s most under-served regions.
- Opportunities multiply nationwide so rapidly that the question we face when we return is, “Who should we help first?” The Lord moves many hearts in diverse venues to share the gospel through CHE. We thank our Lord Immanuel for the opportunity to serve those who obey and so discover His help. Current trainers cannot meet the requests for follow-up, nor will our return change this reality for several years.
- Hope of peace on earth depends on every Christian engaging in the battle to share the Prince of Peace. Thank you for faithfully partnering with us in Cote d’Ivoire. We pray others will boldly and effectively make Jesus known in U.S. communities as well using Neighborhood Transformation (a link of CHE).
“For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us.” Ephesians 2:14
Praise and Prayer
- Praise the Lord with us! Because of recent gifts and commitments, we calculate needing only about $800 more in monthly pledges to meet our reduced budget. If you feel prompted to become a monthly partner or to give an end-of-year gift, please know your action may be the very one that completes our stateside ministry and returns us to Cote d’Ivoire.
- We plan for a March 2016 return to the field. This is possible if our fourth quarter contributions remain strong, and if we have the assurance of funds available to buy a vehicle. The 1996 Toyota LandCruiser 2 that was purchased for us in 2000 would cost us $37,800 at today’s exchange rates. Prices are similar today (estimate link).
- Debbie had a successful hernia repair in November, with excellent recovery. As far as we know, both of us are physically ready for a four-year term.
- The Cote d’Ivoire presidential election occurred peacefully, with the incumbent, Alassane Ouattara, reelected for another five years. All rejoiced that the election passed smoothly.
Verlin and Debbie
Anderson Third Quarter 2015 Financial Report
Budget: The 2015 budget seeks $96,000 to allow reimbursement of U.S. service travels, visas, & set aside for a vehicle since that purchase did not happen in 2014. It provides for maintenance of Ivorian housing, storage, and communication expenses during our absence. Obtaining an adequate vehicle and housing will use >$45,000 (Click for a Ford Ranger estimate). We are to start with a maintenance balance of $25,000 after setup purchases are made.
Donations to our CHSC #0118 account for the third quarter of 2015 are shown below. They are listed in the order received per our reports. For purposes of donor confidentiality, we only show the sender’s ZIP code. Senders from the same ZIP code are differentiated by the addition of letters. Please contact us if you believe a donation made is missing. We can be reached by calling or texting (615) 477-1129. You may also contact the Christian Health Service Corps (CHSC) directly at info@healthservicecorps.org . For the 2015 budget through the 3Q, click here or at the below link.
Click to see the PDF Version to check if your contribution to the cause was properly received and credited through the 3Q of 2015.
The Christian Health Service Corps (CHSC) is mission of dedicated medical professionals who participate in the CHE Global Network. Together, in a loose affiliation of individuals, churches, denominational and nondenominational agencies, we share God's Light and Truth through Community Health Evangelism (CHE). Verlin and Debbie require the equivalent of 8 partners at $100 per month of support to resume residential ministry of expanding CHE ministries in Cote d'Ivoire under the auspices of the CHSC & Ivorian partners.Tax deductible contributions by check are to be made payable to the CHSC with Andersons #0118 written on the memo line. Mail to CHSC - PO Box 132 - Fruitvale, TX 75127. Give online via the CHSC via www.che4a.org (3% fee) or TDF (0% fee).
Last Written: "Zealous Efforts" - Anderson WEEKLY 151205
Last video: Reducing Needs - Anderson WEEKLY 151128
2015 2Q Report: Anderson_Report_15_09_19.pdf
2015 Budget : CHSC-0118_ANDERSON-Budget_2015
Securely gift the ministry @ www.che4a.org
Double your gift possibly? See Double-the-Donation
Something to ask? Write: updates@verlindeb.org
AWA represents Andersons Witnessing in Africa
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