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PDF Version: AWA_Update_190907.PDF
Good goals
A vision which establishes good goals yields results and witnesses which endure. The good goal of the Scientific Congress was to let root the use of Community Health Engagement (CHE) as developed from Community Health Evangelism (CHE). It worked! 19 of 54 presentations were done by those we’ve trained. Many participants will attend the 7th annual CHE exposition training provided by Ivorian Community Health Education (CHE) Association members.
At the opening ceremony of this hallmark Congress, three statements exposed a generational vision, national outlook, and a humble recognition that was given in thanksgiving. When taken together, they belie a developing Godliness:
- Generational vision:
"You can take by force, but you cannot give by force. Those receiving must be prepared to receive and to use what is given." - KONE BAMBA, Dean (consider Mt.7:12; Ro.2:7; Jn.10:10)
- National outlook: "This community approach to health is one of the strategic priorities adopted by the Department of Health of Cote d'Ivoire having been implemented in several programs ... making a contribution to improving the health of our populations." - SANOGO SALIF, Ministry of Public Health (reflect upon Co.3:23; 1Kg.8:58-60; 1Ti.4:8; Pr.4:20-22)
- Humble recognition: "The sharing of CHE by Verlin and his follow-up has given us the tools to enter communities and share so that villages can profit from university knowledge." - KOUADIO LUC, Chief of the Dept. of Public Health UFR SPB (He is recognized as the person who has carried out the vision, the operationalization of strategy and implementing the plan of action.) (see Pr.3:27; Ph.2:3)
Good results
As we met, an Ivorian CHE partner received visitors from government agents, the American embassy, and some NGOs that help HIV positive pregnant women and their children at risk. The HCFI (GBH) clinics that he opened, or mentored, now use the most successful treatment program in all of Cote d’Ivoire. When asked why their program to assist these women succeeds when others fail, he described how the principles of Community Health Evangelism (CHE) made it possible. They assign a worker to each village in their jurisdiction. That worker then visits the at-risk mothers in the village and makes sure that they take their medicines and receive training and encouragement. Other programs expect such women to travel to the hospital in town and be followed by a doctor there. The clinic has met the expected quota of the government and NGOs in three months rather than in a year. They have now been assigned a greatly enlarged area of Cote d’Ivoire to serve. The area includes our town of Bondoukou! The president of the national chapter of HCFI, a.k.a. GBH will be flown to South Africa to share their advancements in treatment with other medical professionals who seek to help women of similar circumstance through their facilities.
Good witness
The university professor whose example leads the university department and the hospital administrator are allowing the Lord to use them in mighty ways. They have become instruments of change for the nation. By teaching and modeling the uses of CHE, these and others influence a generation to resist dependence on handouts. They learn to rely on one another while selecting knowledgeable partners able to give a helping hand up. A vision which establishes good goals yields results and witnesses which endure! (Click this phrase for a French newsletter sharing of others.)
Prayer and Praise
- Thank the Lord that this first scientific congress was a success. The department announced that the next one will take place in two years. The public health ministry of the Ivorian government has realized the need to proceed with community development as taught in CHE. This gives churches excellent opportunities to witness of Jesus through CHE as is happening in the above-cited HIV program.
- All next week is the CHE exposition. We will share the training and tools commonly used in community health engagement or education or evangelism strategies. Pray for the 13 trainers who will participate in leading 4 CHE Training of Trainers (TOT) sessions simultaneously. It is an exhausting and exhilarating time for us.
Your Partners in the Gospel,
Verlin and Debbie
Christian Health Service Corps (CHSC) is a mission of dedicated medical professionals who participate in the CHE Global Network. Together, in a loose affiliation of individuals, churches, denominational, and nondenominational agencies, we share God's Light and Truth through Community Health Evangelism (CHE). Verlin and Debbie accept donor partners to contribute as led to maintain support as we resume residential ministry to expand CHE ministries in Cote d'Ivoire under the auspices of CHSC & Ivorian partners. Tax-deductible contributions by check are to be made payable to the CHSC with Andersons #0118 written on the memo line. Mail to CHSC - PO Box 132 - Fruitvale, TX 75127. Give online via the CHSC @ (3% fee) or TDF (0% fee).
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- 190706 PDF
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CHSC-0119_ANDERSON-2019- Budget.pdf
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