Taste and See (Psalm 34:8)

Setting up CHE classroom
SOS seems to be the most appropriate word to share this week—an SOS for prayer. Next week (Sept. 2-6) is the Community Health Engagement (CHE) university training. Late this week, Verlin discovered that two more trainers cannot come for legitimate reasons. As a result, the trainers of Levels 1 and 3 must shift quickly at the last minute. Also, Verlin’s most experienced co-trainer in Level 2 will not be there because his son has been hospitalized and seriously ill for over a week. Verlin needs more help, or he will have to facilitate 23 of 29 lessons at Level 2. That is not okay (Debbie’s comment!). Pray that a few people can be diverted for a few lessons at Level 2 with Verlin. Also, several trainers will not arrive until late Sunday night, which leaves no planning time as a complete team before training begins Monday morning. On a positive note, 75 people have already signed up for training!

Come and See (Psalm 34:8)

Debbie has a less stressful but important version of SOS, too. She needs responses from government organizations this upcoming week to help her make wise choices for her parents. There are a few complicating factors that she needs expert advice to navigate. Our family prays that this housing change will be the last move the Paynes will make until possible medical help right before they are promoted to Heaven. Both are in stable health now. Also, please note that we may not have next week’s update ready on Saturday because of the upcoming week of CHE training. We will do the best we can from two different continents!

Prayer & Praise

  • πŸ™ Pray for the CHE university training happening Monday through Friday, Sept. 2-6. Illness and death in families or ministries subtracted two more trainers at the last moment. The remaining facilitators will be stretched to the limit, so pray for grace, strength, and clear thinking to facilitate lessons that may change daily. Pray that the moral and spiritual values shared in the lessons in this secular university context will penetrate many hearts, in addition to each student learning the wholistic approach of community transformation.
  • πŸ™ Thank the Lord that one of the trainer’s daughters came to help with the abundant secretarial work. Verlin began showing her the ropes on Thursday. She will help pack up the materials after the training as well. Also, we praise the Lord that an American and French trainer arrived safely.
  • πŸ™ Pray for the CHE trainer’s young son, who was hospitalized and could not eat. They thought he was better and then had to return to the hospital a second time.
Your partners in the Gospel,
Verlin & Debbie
Verlin and Debbie

Christian Health Service Corps (CHSC) is a mission of dedicated medical professionals who participate in the CHE Global Network. Together, in a loose affiliation of individuals, churches, denominational, and nondenominational agencies, we share God's Light and Truth through Community Health Evangelism (CHE). Verlin and Debbie accept donor partners to contribute as led to provide support as we maintain residential ministry to expand CHE ministries in Cote d'Ivoire under the auspices of CHSC & Ivorian partners. Tax-deductible contributions by check are to be made payable to the CHSC with Andersons #0118 written on the memo line. Mail to CHSC - PO Box 132 - Fruitvale, TX 75127. Give online via the CHSC @ (3% fee) or TDF - specifying Verlin and Debbie Anderson in the optional Memo.
Prior: Scramble
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Prior Videos: Simple Servants
        - Reflect & Rejoice

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