Building up

Taste and See (Psalm 34:8)

But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost, keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.—Jude 20-21

One beautiful reality of being in Christ is the community that we enjoy, the koinonia. Internally, the Holy Spirit convicts, guides, and comforts us. We are never alone. In communion with the Father and Son, He builds the image of Jesus within us. Responding obediently to the Spirit individually while living in communities with other believers, the Body of Christ gets built into glorious edifices with Christ the Cornerstone. Our regular interaction with others of faith builds each other in the "most holy faith." Incredibly, when remaining in good fellowship, we stay in community and are never alone, even when physically apart in empty rooms. Nonbelievers do not enjoy this grace. When physically alone, they have neither the priceless internal companionship of God nor the extra special tethering with one another that prayer warriors regularly sense with other believers. They do not commune with others in such spiritual interaction except when God displays His power. This is not the case for members within the Body of Christ. As Jesus's followers, we need to ponder again what means this offers us to distinguish our experience from others in the modern world where electronics provide ubiquitous but often deceptive connections.

One very encouraging "building up" moment at the university for believing CHE trainers who spread through the region is seeing the government drawn to encourage CHE strategy use all over Cote d'Ivoire. At the opening ceremony, the Ministry of Health director spoke eloquently to this effect. When first hearing of CHE, he thought it would never work. Over ten years later, having seen the measurable impact of CHE validated by research, the Ministry of Health now joins the university to declare that CHE is the way to build better health for all. They plan to pursue additional CHE-approach health development projects now and into the future. Praise God! May it be so. They prepare paths for the feet of those who bear precious seed, the news of Emmanuel!

Come and See (Psalm 34:8)

Stan Rowland
Another delightful and helpful "building up" happened this year, too. One of the two master CHE trainers who trained us in 1998 attended and participated in the university training. His encouragement and insight were priceless. He got communications across that Verlin has tried to communicate over many years. We are blessed that he kept fellowship with us and came! To his knowledge, Cote d'Ivoire is the only country where CHE becomes so thoroughly integrated into the nation's public health system. The second giant of a man who trained us in 1998 was the Campus for Christ trained founder of Community Health Evangelism, Stan Rowland. He moved to heaven this week. We pray for his family and rejoice as two of the hundreds of thousands of people he impacted worldwide who live transformed to build community in Christ.

Prayer & Praise

  • πŸ™ Thank the Lord for advancing follow-up work after the university training. Verlin cleared this year's CHE trainer room and met with some of the university team for follow-up and planning for next year. Pray he can complete Level 1's lesson corrections before returning to the U.S.
  • πŸ™ Continue to pray for our granddaughter Chelsea. She adjusts to having one cochlear implant instead of two. Also, pray that the left of her head fully heals after the faulty implant removal.
  • πŸ™ Pray for Stan Rowland's family and the thousands of communities built up in Christ by his testimony and work around the world.
Your partners in the Gospel,
Verlin & Debbie
Verlin and Debbie

Christian Health Service Corps (CHSC) is a mission of dedicated medical professionals who participate in the CHE Global Network. Together, in a loose affiliation of individuals, churches, denominational, and nondenominational agencies, we share God's Light and Truth through Community Health Evangelism (CHE). Verlin and Debbie accept donor partners to contribute as led to provide support as we maintain residential ministry to expand CHE ministries in Cote d'Ivoire under the auspices of CHSC & Ivorian partners. Tax-deductible contributions by check are to be made payable to the CHSC with Andersons #0118 written on the memo line. Mail to CHSC - PO Box 132 - Fruitvale, TX 75127. Give online via the CHSC @ (3% fee) or TDF - specifying Verlin and Debbie Anderson in the optional Memo.
Prior: Imitation
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Prior Videos: Simple Servants
        - Reflect & Rejoice

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